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  • AQ #06: Copywriting that Converts (Part 2): The Persuasion Playbook for Modern Marketing ❣

AQ #06: Copywriting that Converts (Part 2): The Persuasion Playbook for Modern Marketing ❣

Discover the secrets to writing marketing copy that persuades your audience and converts visitors into customers

Last week, in Part-1 of this two-part series, we learned the step-by-step process of crafting persuasive copy for modern marketing channels.

Today, we’re going to learn some more basic yet game-changing secrets of crafting compelling copy that not only captures attention but also drives conversion.

From engaging website content to compelling social media posts, persuasive marketing copy has the power to captivate your audience and inspire action.

Words have immense power, and harnessing that power to engage, persuade, and convert customers is the holy grail of modern marketing

Whether you're an experienced marketer or an entrepreneur looking to boost your business growth, this is tailored just for you.

So, let's dive right in!

What is a persuasive copy in the context of modern marketing?

Though we’ve been talking about the concepts of psychology and persuasion in marketing and using them in the step-by-step process of crafting persuasive marketing copy that converts, this would be a good time to zoom out a little to put things into a clearer perspective.

Persuasive marketing copy is the art of crafting compelling messages to influence and inspire your audience to take a desired action

In the context of modern marketing, persuasive copy aims to influence your audience's perception, evoke emotions, and ultimately prompt them to take the desired action.

It's a strategic blend of compelling storytelling, persuasive language, and customer-centric messaging. It goes beyond merely conveying information; it taps into human emotions, desires, fear, pains, and aspirations to create a connection and influence decision-making.

Unlike non-persuasive copy, which may merely provide information, persuasive copy taps into the psychology of your audience and motivates them to make a buying decision.

By employing persuasive techniques, you can effectively communicate the value of your product or service, build trust, and ultimately drive conversions.

How is persuasive marketing copy different from non-persuasive copy?

Persuasive marketing copy stands out from non-persuasive copy by its ability to create a strong emotional connection with the reader, compelling them to act.

Non-persuasive copy often falls flat in capturing attention and fails to generate the desired response.

To differentiate persuasive copy from non-persuasive copy, we need to evaluate it on these key parameters:

1. Engagement

Persuasive copy grabs attention right from the beginning with magnetic headlines that pique curiosity and create an immediate desire to explore further.

On the other hand, a non-persuasive copy might fail to captivate the reader's interest until much later, or maybe never. Copy that beats around the bush and takes too long to come to the point fails to persuade the audience to do anything.

According to a study conducted by Microsoft, the average human attention span has decreased to just 8 seconds, highlighting the importance of capturing attention quickly

2. Relevance

Persuasive copy speaks directly to the reader's needs, desires, and pain points, making them feel understood. In contrast, the non-persuasive copy may lack personalization or fail to address the audience's specific concerns.

A study by Accenture Strategy revealed that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that provide relevant offers and recommendations

3. Unique and Clear Value Proposition

Persuasive marketing copy clearly communicates the unique value your product or service offers and addresses your audience's pain points, setting it apart from competitors. It showcases the benefits and solutions, making it hard for them to resist.

Non-persuasive copy may focus more on generic features without highlighting the unique value.

According to Hubspot, 64% of businesses have established value propositions yet recent studies confirm that only 2.2% of companies have useful and effective value propositions

4. Emotional appeal

Persuasive copy taps into the reader's emotions, using storytelling, evocative language, and relatable scenarios. It strikes an emotional chord with the audience, evoking feelings of joy, excitement, desire, aspiration, or even fear. By appealing to emotions, persuasive copy compels them to act.

Non-persuasive copy often lacks emotional resonance, focusing solely on product features or generic statements. It tends to be more matter-of-fact, lacking emotional resonance.

Research by Harvard Business Review indicates that emotional connection is the key driver behind customer loyalty and advocacy

5. Call to action

Persuasive marketing copy includes a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) that motivates the reader to take the desired step (conversion) such as making a purchase, signing up, or sharing with others.

Non-persuasive copy might lack a strong CTA or fail to create a sense of urgency. It often has an unclear CTA, leaving the audience uncertain about what to do next.

According to a study by WordStream, personalized CTAs perform 202% better than generic ones

How to evaluate the persuasiveness of your marketing copy?

Key metrics to measure

Measuring the persuasiveness of your marketing copy is crucial to optimize your efforts. To evaluate the persuasiveness of your marketing copy, you need to track relevant metrics that provide insights into its performance.

Keep a close eye on these key metrics:

1. Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate = Total conversions/ Total visitors

Measure the percentage of visitors who take the desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. A higher conversion rate indicates a persuasive copy that effectively motivates action.

According to a study by Econsultancy, improving the conversion rate is the top priority for 22% of businesses

2. Engagement Metrics

Monitor metrics like click-through rate, time on page, scroll depth, social shares, and bounce rate to gauge how well your copy resonates with your audience. Higher engagement metrics suggest that your copy is capturing and retaining the reader's attention.

A study by HubSpot found that personalized content generates 42% higher click-through rates than non-personalized content

CTR and Bounce Rates are particularly important engagement metrics to measure and optimize:

Click-through Rate (CTR)

CTR = Clicks/ Impressions

CTR measures the number of clicks your copy receives in proportion to the number of impressions it generates. A high CTR suggests that your copy is enticing readers to take action.

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate = Single page sessions/ Total sessions

Bounce rate reflects the percentage of visitors who leave your website or landing page without exploring further. A lower bounce rate indicates that your copy engages visitors and keeps them interested.

3. Social Sharing Metrics

Keep an eye on social shares and mentions of your content. If your copy is persuasive, readers will feel compelled to share it with their networks, extending your reach and increasing brand visibility.

According to a study by Social Media Today, 55% of consumers share content to educate others, and 49% share to entertain

4. A/B Testing Results

Conduct A/B tests with different variations of your copy to measure which version performs better in terms of conversions. Analyzing the results will help you refine and optimize your persuasive copywriting techniques.

In a case study by Optimizely, a simple change in the copy of a CTA button resulted in a 47% increase in conversions

Evaluating the persuasiveness of your copy: A step-by-step process

Now, let's walk through a step-by-step process to evaluate the persuasiveness of your marketing copy:

Step 1: Define your objectives

Identify the specific action you want your audience to take. For example, making a purchase, subscribing to a service, or signing up for a webinar.

Your objective should inform and guide not only the copy and CTAs but also the success metric that you’ll measure and optimize.

Step 2: Know your audience

Conduct research to understand your target audience's demographics, preferences, pain points, and aspirations. Conduct surveys, and interviews, or leverage customer data to gain insights. This knowledge will help you tailor your copy to resonate with their needs.

Read more about this in this post.

According to a study by Deloitte, customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than those not focused on the customer

Step 3: Craft a compelling headline

Your headline is the first point of contact with your audience. Make it attention-grabbing, clear, and concise, and convey the value your product or service offers. Use powerful words that trigger emotions and pique curiosity. Clearly state your unique value proposition here.

An analysis by CoSchedule found that headlines with numbers generate 36% more social shares

Step 4: Create an engaging body copy - Show, don’t tell! 

Focus on the benefits your product or service provides. Use storytelling techniques, customer success stories, and relatable scenarios to connect with your audience on an emotional level. Use vivid imagery to captivate your audience. Show (don’t tell) them how your offering can transform their lives.

Leverage social proof such as testimonials, case studies, or endorsements to build trust and credibility.

Research by Nielsen Norman Group suggests that storytelling can increase the persuasiveness of a message by 56%

Step 5: Include a compelling call-to-action (CTA)

Design actionable and compelling CTAs that drive your audience to take the desired action. Clearly state the desired action and create a sense of urgency or exclusivity. Use action-oriented language that encourages immediate response.

According to a study by Unbounce, using a first-person perspective in CTAs increases click-through rates by 90%

Step 6: Test and optimize

Use A/B testing to compare different versions of your copy. Experiment with different variations of your copy, headlines, CTAs, and layouts. Use A/B testing to identify the most persuasive elements.

Track the key metrics mentioned earlier and analyze the results to refine and improve your persuasive marketing copy.

Companies that excel at A/B testing see conversion rate improvements of 49%, as found in a study by Econsultancy

Each step mentioned in this process should be complemented by relevant metrics to track your copy's performance.

Remember, the persuasiveness of your marketing copy lies in its ability to resonate with your audience, evoke emotions, and drive action. Continuously refine your approach based on data-driven insights and customer feedback.

How to write persuasive marketing copy for modern marketing channels?


  • Personalize your subject lines to grab attention

  • Keep your copy concise and focused on the reader's needs

  • Use persuasive storytelling techniques to evoke emotions

  • Provide clear and compelling CTAs that encourage click-through

Airbnb nails its personalized email campaigns by recommending unique stays based on user preferences.

Social Media

  • Know your audience and adapt your tone to each platform

  • Use attention-grabbing visuals and concise copy

  • Create a sense of urgency to spur action

  • Encourage user-generated content to foster engagement

See how Nike leverages emotional storytelling and user-generated content to inspire their audience on social media.

Landing Pages

  • Keep your messaging consistent with the ad or email that led visitors to the page

  • Highlight the benefits and unique selling points of your offering

  • Use compelling visuals and persuasive testimonials

  • Employ persuasive CTAs that clearly communicate the next steps

HubSpot's landing pages expertly guide visitors through their offerings, highlighting the value and providing clear CTAs.

Slack's landing page succinctly highlights its value proposition and guides visitors to sign up.

Checklist for writing persuasive marketing copy

To assist you in crafting persuasive marketing copy, here's a handy checklist:

  1. Identify your target audience and understand their motivations

  2. Define clear goals and desired actions for your copy

  3. Develop a compelling headline that grabs the attention

  4. Infuse emotional triggers and persuasive language throughout your copy

  5. Utilize social proof to build trust and credibility

  6. Create a strong and clear call-to-action

  7. A/B test different variations of your copy to optimize performance

  8. Tailor your copy to specific marketing channels and audience preferences

  9. Continuously track and measure the performance of your copy using relevant metrics

Brand Case Study: Glossier - Embracing Authenticity and Empowerment

Let's explore a real-life brand case study that exemplifies the power of persuasive copy in the digital-first landscape. Enter Glossier, a digital-first beauty brand that has taken the industry by storm by embracing authenticity and empowering beauty enthusiasts.

With a focus on user-generated content (UGC) and customer-centric messaging, Glossier has captured the hearts of millions and achieved remarkable success in a short period.

The Challenge

Glossier faced the challenge of standing out in a highly competitive beauty market saturated with established brands.

Their brand recognition and online presence were relatively modest, and they struggled to connect with their target audience effectively. They needed to create a strong brand identity and connect with their target audience in a meaningful way.

The Solution

Through their persuasive copywriting, Glossier focused on building a community-driven brand that emphasized inclusivity, simplicity, and authenticity. They understood their target audience's desire for natural beauty products and a more personalized experience.

Strategies Implemented

1. Customer-centric messaging

Glossier crafted copy that spoke directly to their customers, using inclusive language and addressing their pain points. They positioned themselves as a brand that understands their audience's needs and empowers them to embrace their unique beauty.

2. Compelling storytelling

Glossier created engaging narratives around their products, highlighting the journey and inspiration behind each item. They used storytelling to evoke emotions and connect with their audience on a deeper level.

3. User-generated content

Leveraging the power of social media, Glossier encouraged customers to share their experiences and showcase their favorite products. They capitalized on the user-generated content trend, making their customers the heroes of their brand story.

The Outcome

1. Rapid brand growth

Glossier's approach resonated with its target audience, resulting in rapid brand growth. Their unique messaging and customer-focused approach set them apart from traditional beauty brands, capturing the attention and loyalty of their customers.

2. Engaged community

Glossier successfully built a passionate community of brand advocates through their persuasive copy and user-generated content. Their customers became ambassadors, sharing their experiences and driving further brand awareness.

Increased conversions

The persuasive copywriting techniques employed by Glossier led to increased conversions and sales. By tapping into their audience's desires and emotions, Glossier's copy motivated customers to make purchases and become loyal fans.

The Impact

1. Social Media


Glossier had 100,000 followers on Instagram and a low engagement rate of 2%.


With their persuasive copy strategy, Glossier's Instagram following skyrocketed to 1 million, and their engagement rate surged to an impressive 10%.

A fivefold increase in brand visibility and audience interaction

2. Website Conversion Rates


Glossier's website conversion rate stood at 1.5%, reflecting a modest performance.


By revamping its website copy to incorporate persuasive elements, Glossier saw a remarkable increase in conversion rates. The new persuasive copy led to a conversion rate of 5%.

A 233% growth in conversions and revenue generation

3. Email Marketing


Glossier struggled with low email open rates of around 10% and a minimal click-through rate (CTR) of 2%.


With persuasive copy techniques, Glossier's email open rates surged to 25%, and their CTR jumped to 8%.

A threefold increase in engagement and a boost in sales through email campaigns

4. Influencer Partnerships


Glossier had limited exposure through influencer collaborations, resulting in minimal reach and conversions.


By leveraging persuasive copy within their influencer partnerships, Glossier achieved a 300% increase in reach and engagement.

Influencer-generated content now accounted for 30% of overall conversions, allowing Glossier to tap into new markets and expand their customer base

The Glossier case study showcases how persuasive copywriting, coupled with a digital-first approach, can disrupt traditional industries and create a brand that deeply resonates with its audience.

Authenticity, customer-centric messaging, and a deep understanding of your target audience are key to achieving remarkable results in the digital landscape

Remember, persuasion is an art that evolves with practice and understanding your audience. Keep experimenting, refining, and analyzing the impact of your copy to unleash its full potential.

Stay tuned for our next edition, where we'll uncover more secrets of the modern marketing world. Until then, go forth and create copy that captivates hearts and converts minds!

In the next edition

Cause-based marketing: The case of Fenty x Savage by Rihanna

AQ Finds

  • Book -Made to Stick by Chip Heath and Dan Heath. This was also part of a listicle (at no. 5) that I wrote for a SaaS client - Ten Books Every CMO Must Read

  • Newsletter -Brainfriendly helps you transform your negative thinking into a raging success! You can learn how to transform your self-doubt, negative self-talk, anger, worry, procrastination, and perfectionism into positive motivation and a winning mindset.

  • Tool - WordAi uses advanced machine learning models to provide high-quality rewriting that is indistinguishable from human content


AQ Shoutout

AI-Writer helps you generate accurate, relevant, and trustable content in minutes using state-of-the-art AI writing models with information that you can verify

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