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  • AQ #05: Copywriting that Converts (Part -1): Step-by-step Guide to Crafting Compelling Copy ❣

AQ #05: Copywriting that Converts (Part -1): Step-by-step Guide to Crafting Compelling Copy ❣

In this comprehensive guide, learn how to craft marketing copy that speaks to your audience, drives conversions, and boosts ROI

Read time: 7 minutes

Imagine you're scrolling through your social media feed, and you come across two ads promoting project management software.

Ad A has a generic description with basic features, while Ad B paints a vivid picture of streamlined workflows, increased productivity, and testimonials from happy customers.

Which ad would catch your attention?

It's likely that Ad B, with its persuasive copy, would pique your interest and convince you to learn more. The copy is so compelling that you can't help but read every word. Suddenly, you find yourself nodding, clicking, and eventually reaching for your wallet.

That's the power of persuasive marketing copy in action!

A recent study by Nielsen Norman Group in 2020 found that people only read 20% of the text on a webpage

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, capturing and retaining your audience's attention is more challenging than ever. As modern marketers, we're constantly pressed for seeking effective ways to break through the noise and create compelling content that drives real results. That's where the power of persuasive copy comes into play.

Why is persuasive copy crucial?

Well, it's the secret sauce that can turn casual visitors into paying customers and brand advocates. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a budding entrepreneur, mastering the art of persuasive copy can significantly impact your marketing ROI.

We earlier studied the psychology of marketing to understand how to influence consumer behavior and boost sales.

In the previous edition, we explored the principles of persuasion and learned how to apply them to your marketing.

Continuing in that direction, in this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the step-by-step process of crafting persuasive copy for modern marketing channels. From understanding your target audience to writing compelling headlines and subheadings, we'll cover it all.

So grab a cup of coffee (or whatever you like), sit back, and let's get started!

Step 1: Understand your target audience

To create persuasive copy, you must deeply understand your audience. To truly connect with them, you need to know their desires, pain points, and aspirations.

You must know your audience inside out

Personalized copy is the key to capturing attention and building meaningful connections. When you speak their language, your words will resonate and ignite action.

Don't find customers for your products, find products for your customers.

Seth Godin

Let's say you're promoting a productivity app. Instead of generic copy like “Boost your productivity,” dive deeper into your target audience's needs:

"Overwhelmed with daily tasks?

Streamline your workflow and gain back precious hours with our intuitive productivity app."

See the difference?

Following are some ways through which you can attain a deeper understanding of your audience:

1. Conduct in-depth research

Dive into market research, customer surveys, and social listening to gain insights into your audience's needs, preferences, and pain points. Use tools like Google Analytics and direct customer feedback to inform your copywriting approach.

2. Develop buyer personas and customer profiles

ICP = Ideal Customer Profile

Develop detailed profiles that represent your ideal customers. Understand their demographics, preferences, and psychographics.

These personas will guide your copywriting efforts by helping you tailor your messaging to their specific needs and desires.

3. Utilize customer feedback and analytics

Reach out to your existing customers and ask them directly about their experiences, pain points, and why they chose your product. Leverage customer reviews, testimonials, and data analytics to gain valuable insights.

Use this information to refine your copy and address the challenges and aspirations of your audience.

4. Talk to your customers, frequently

Talking to your customers is a valuable tool for developing a deeper understanding and connections with them. Yet it is also often overlooked as you focus on other aspects of your marketing strategy.

Just pick up the phone, write an email, or schedule a video/ in-person meeting, whatever you can, to directly speak with them. Do this often and record your findings.

You’ll be surprised to find the wealth of insights that come out of this simple exercise.

According to a study by Forbes, companies that successfully segment their audiences achieve a 760% increase in email revenue

Case Study: Monday's human-centric approach

The challenge

Monday, a leading project management software, recognized that their target audience—teams and organizations—craved a visual and intuitive platform that simplifies collaboration.

The Solution

By understanding this need, Monday reworked its marketing copy to make it resonate with its audience's desire for streamlined workflows and improved team communication.

Their website copy and ad campaigns highlighted relatable scenarios and showcased the platform's user-friendly interface.

By positioning its product as a solution to the challenges faced by teams, Monday successfully connected with its audience on an emotional level, driving engagement and conversions.

The Outcome

According to Monday's internal data, their human-centric approach led to a:

  • 74% increase in free trial sign-ups, and

  • 52% decrease in churn rate

Step 2: Develop a compelling value proposition

Clearly communicate the unique value your product or service offers. Highlight the specific benefits and outcomes your audience can expect, addressing their pain points and demonstrating how your solution can solve their problems.

Let's say you're promoting a content marketing platform. Your value proposition could focus on how your platform helps businesses create high-quality content that drives organic traffic, boosts brand awareness, and generates leads.

1. Create attention-grabbing headlines

Your headline is the first impression you make on your audience, so make it count! A compelling headline should be clear, concise, and elicit curiosity.

Use powerful and intriguing language that sparks curiosity. Incorporate numbers, strong verbs, and emotional triggers to instantly engage your audience.

Your headline has only one job:

to stop your prospect and compel them to read the next sentence.

Joe Sugarman

Experiment with different headline formulas, such as using numbers, posing questions, or offering solutions. Test, iterate, and monitor the impact of your headlines to find the winning formula for your audience.

Headline Example

Hubspot: An easy-to-use CRM


Hubspot’s CRM platform has all the tools and integrations you need for marketing, sales, content management, and customer service

2. Appeal to emotions

Connect with your audience on an emotional level by addressing their desires, fears, or aspirations. Use storytelling techniques to evoke empathy and make a memorable impact.

3. Pay attention to and incorporate cultural nuances

Different words and phrases might have different meanings and connotations across cultures and languages. Do your homework and try to get a sound idea about how things work in your audience’s culture before getting onto the writing board.

This is very important and not to be missed in overconfidence. There are plenty of brand campaigns that turned into marketing disasters because they overlooked cultural nuances.

4. Learn from successful examples

Study successful headlines and subheadings in your industry. Analyze what makes them effective and adapt those techniques to your own copy.

Step 3: Writing persuasive narrative in body copy

Now that you've captured your audience's attention, it's time to deliver a persuasive message. Here's how to make your body copy compelling:

1. Harness the power of storytelling

Humans have an innate love for stories

Stories engage us emotionally, evoke curiosity, and create connections. Incorporate storytelling into your copy to capture your audience's imagination and forge an emotional bond.

A study by Association for Psychological Science found that storytelling activates areas of the brain associated with emotions and empathy. When people connect emotionally with your story, they're more likely to take action.

So, sprinkle your copy with relatable narratives that transport your audience into a world where their dreams come true. Paint a vivid picture of how your product or service can transform their lives or solve their problems.

Airbnb does it very well. Take their Belong Anywhere campaign, for example. By telling stories of unique travel experiences, they ignited wanderlust and positioned their brand as a platform for unforgettable adventures.

Identify the hero

Your customer should be the hero of the story. Understand their challenges and how your product or service can help them overcome those hurdles.

Create a narrative arc

Develop a compelling storyline that takes your audience from the problem they're facing to the solution your offering provides. Highlight the transformation they can achieve by using your product.

Use descriptive language

Paint a vivid picture with your words, appealing to the senses and evoking emotions. Help your audience visualize the outcomes and benefits of engaging with your brand.

2. Structure for maximum impact

Break down your copy into digestible sections with clear subheadings. Use bullet points and short paragraphs to improve readability and emphasize key benefits.

Make it easy to scan, read and piece together. You can see how I structure every edition with a clearly defined opening, sections, subsections, highlighted blocks, and a clear closing.

3. Incorporate social proof and testimonials

People trust other people more than they trust brands. Leverage the power of social proof to build trust and credibility.

Include testimonials, reviews, and case studies to showcase the positive experiences of your satisfied customers. Tap into the collective wisdom of the crowd and let your happy customers do the talking for you!

82% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses before making a purchase decision

Testimonials and Case Studies

Highlight positive customer experiences through compelling testimonials and case studies. Share real stories of individuals who have benefited from your product or service. Include specific details and measurable results to make it more persuasive.

Influencer/ Expert Endorsements

Collaborate with influencers or industry experts who align with your brand values. Their endorsement can significantly boost your credibility and persuade potential customers to take action.

User-Generated Content

Encourage your customers to share their experiences and create user-generated content. This can range from reviews and testimonials to social media posts showcasing your product in action. Such content validates your offering and encourages others to follow suit.

4. Substantiate with Research and credible data-points

While making claims in your marketing copy, or providing references as proof, make sure to substantiate these research and data points by citing credible sources.

This lends credibility to your narrative & logic and helps build trust with your customers - essential elements of making your marketing copy persuasive.

The Challenge

In 2016, Airbnb was a $25B company with 1 million hosts looking after 60M guests a year with 2M listings in 34,000 cities in over 190 countries worldwide.

To take the business to the next level, Airbnb faced two fundamental challenges:

– It had low awareness levels of the brand globally, especially outside the US

– It needed to build trust and credibility, key category drivers, by social recommendation

The Solution

Airbnb launched a platform Night At that opened access for guests to stay in unique and previously exclusive locations like underwater habitats and iconic landmarks. This gave the brand an opportunity to tell extraordinary stories of extraordinary travels in their marketing copy.

It became a talking point and people who experienced these exclusive stays with Airbnb couldn’t stop sharing about it.

By highlighting these stories in their marketing campaigns, Airbnb's copy transformed the way people perceive travel and helped them realize that their dream accommodations were just a click away.

The Outcome

According to Airbnb's data, the Night At campaigns resulted in a 500% increase in website traffic and a 300% boost in bookings for featured destinations.

Rather than simply listing properties, Airbnb's marketing copy transports you into a world of possibilities and experiences. They weave narratives that engage the imagination, inspiring travelers to venture beyond the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. It has made Airbnb a strong global brand.

Step 4: Writing Call-to-Actions (CTAs) for conversion

Don't leave your audience hanging!

Now that your persuasive copy has convinced your audience, it's time to guide them toward taking action.

A clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) is crucial for driving desired conversions. Use action-oriented verbs, create a sense of urgency, and make it easy for your audience to take the next step.

HubSpot increased its conversion rates by 90% by simply changing the CTA on its landing pages.

1. Clearly state the desired action

Use concise and action-oriented language to tell your audience exactly what you want them to do.

Whether it's "Sign up now," "Download the guide," or "Start your free trial," make it clear, quick, and compelling.

2. Create a (genuine) sense of urgency

Encourage immediate action by adding urgency to your CTAs.

Phrases like "Limited time offer," "Don't miss out," or "Act now" create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) and prompt your audience to take action.

Keep your sense of urgency genuine and don’t overuse it, otherwise, it would lose its impact.

3. Make it about them (always)

CTA is a great place to keep your audience in the center of your copy.

For e.g. instead of just saying “Buy Now”, if your CTA says, “I want it now”, you just flipped it towards your audience.

Making the CTA about them makes it less of a chore and more of a desired action that they want to take to transform their journey with your help.

4. Test different variations

A/B test different CTAs to determine which ones perform best. Experiment with the copy, design, and placement of your CTAs to optimize conversions.

Measure how a limited set of audience responds to a particular CTA before sending it out to everyone.

Step 5: Testing and Optimization

To ensure your persuasive copy is achieving the desired results, testing and optimization are crucial.

1. A/B test your copy

Test different versions of your copy to identify which elements resonate most with your audience.

Experiment with headlines, body copy, CTAs, and even design elements to find the winning combination.

2. Analyze performance data

Dive into analytics to gain insights into the effectiveness of your copy.

Track metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates to understand what's working and what needs improvement.

3. Continuously refine and optimize

Based on your data analysis, make data-driven decisions to optimize your copy.

Make iterative improvements to increase engagement, conversions, and overall campaign success.

4. Experiment often and pivot fast

Your copywriting process should be built in a manner that is agile and has the scope of a quick turnaround time. This will enable your teams to experiment often and pivot fast.

Crafting persuasive copy for modern marketing channels is a skill that can elevate your marketing efforts to new heights.

Remember, successful copywriting requires creativity, empathy, and data-driven insights.

In the next edition

In part-2, we’ll see how to write copy for individual platforms, how to evaluate the persuasiveness of your copy and a handy checklist to bring it all together

AQ Finds

  • Book - Persuasive Copywriting: Cut Through the Noise and Communicate With Impact

    Enhance your copywriting skills with psychology-driven techniques using this ultimate copywriting survival guide

  • Newsletter - With Superframeworks you can get 1 new actionable framework every week with proven strategies, tactics, and resources to succeed as a creator-entrepreneur

  • Tool - Create marketing content at scale with INK’s SEO Optimization and Semantic Intelligence with the power of their first and only patented AI-powered SEO assistant

AQ Shoutout

I turn to Writesonic frequently to use the power of its AI for creating SEO-optimized and plagiarism-free content 10x faster, be it for blog articles, ad copies, emails, or website.

Do you have a process to ensure that your marketing copy is compelling enough to drive results?

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