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  • AQ #18: Time to break consistency and take a breath ❣

AQ #18: Time to break consistency and take a breath ❣

It's important to pause every once in a while, coz we're not machines.

As I write this email to you while overlooking the skyline of the hot utopian city of Dubai, the only thing I want to share today is this - take a damn break.

Today, I’m breaking the consistency of writing one edition every week for the last 18 weeks, sharing something (hopefully) useful on a topic of modern marketing.

And, I’m proud of that.

Yet, what I’m not proud of is the fact that every week, I’m breaking myself to put a well-crafted piece together for you, while I also burn myself out on a full-time new job for which demanding would be an understatement.

It was time for a break.

For both you, my reader, and me.

I’m not a machine, and I have no desire to work like one.

I also have no desire to train you to have unsustainable expectations or set wrong examples in the name of consistency, from me or even from yourself.

This is our safe space where we’re allowed to just be.

And hey, as someone said recently, the only way to not lose your job to a machine is by stopping frigging working like one.

If there ever was an important time to be a human with all our glorious flaws, it’s now, in the face of rapidly changing technology and Artificial Intelligence getting into every facet of our lives.

So I’m taking a long weekend out in an unknown country with my better half, doing nothing.

Doing nothing is one of the most important parts of doing something meaningful.

And hence, no modern marketing edition for you this week. Coz while I can still push myself to do it as I’ve for the last 18 weeks come what may, I’m choosing not to.

Choosing is the keyword here.

I’m hoping that you’ll stay tuned for the next part of the interesting modern marketing jargon soon.

And I also hope that we’ll pace ourselves out with more such much-needed breaks and family time, and do it meaningfully instead of like clockwork.

On that note, I’m settling down with my partner to enjoy the gorgeous sunset from my hotel room.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Relaxed and rejuvenated, and brimming with new ideas.

How do you take care of your mental health and plan your breaks?

Share with me and I’ll be happy to share some select ones with the entire reader base.

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